
Monday, 25 November 2013


This article is based on how to root your Motorola mb855 device. I just rooted mine and would also be releasing a video about the rooting online in a couple of days so as to guide you more on the steps to be taken as most people prefer the video to reading.
No need to entertain any fear, your device is going to work right well as well as it has been working before, the only difference is that this time around you have access to more applications because some applications like we all know work on only rooted devices alone. And the down side of this is that it voids your warranty that is all.
The first thing you need to do before you root your device is to download some few drivers, don’t get yourself all tensed about where and how to get the drivers you need because I would be giving out all you need in this article.
Download Photon Torpedo by clicking on the link below
or you just go to the website below , you then scroll down, and you would see a download button, from there it would refer you to the link above
extract it to a preferred location preferably the desktop for easier accessibility.
Download Motorola drivers for your laptop by clicking on the link below
Install the Motorola driver on your laptop, it would take a few minutes to install, mine took close to about 5 minutes. So you just have to be patient.
When you plug in your phone, it is going to show installing drivers, please while it is installing the drivers, do not stop it from installation. Till it is done, for windows8 users, it brings out 2 installation pop ups, just leave it for a few minutes, like 5 to 7 minutes before you cancel it.
Once that is done installing, its time to go to your phone,
Place your phone on USB Mass Storage mode, and you transfer superuser and busybox to your phone memory. Unplug your phone and install superuser application.
When you plug in your phone, you put it on Motorola Phone Portal,
Go to settings on your phone
From settings, you click on applications
From applications, you click on development
From development you tick the USB debugging box.
You can then go back to your home screen.
Back to your laptop, go to your torpedo application, the one you extracted onto your laptop, right click on it and run as an administrator.
Follow the instructions, the first part is for you to press any key, the other part is also for you to press any key
After that, the next step is where you have options of
1 for rooting
2 for Unrooting
X for exit
I guess you know what to do, you click on 1 and press enter.
It is going to check for all drivers on your laptop, initially it might not find the drivers, but if you have followed the steps above,  you just continue
It is going to bring out another page, where it is going to show “sending torpedo to phone”
You press enter again, then its going to show a series of code, you copy each line by line until the point of double exit.
As you copy each code, you press enter, for each.
Once you are done with this, it is going to take you to another page, where it is going to show rebooting phone
Once the phone reboots, that means that your phone has been rooted and ready to use.
And after this you should have superuser installed on your phone.
You can then install all those applications that require rooting and your phone is ready to go

If you have any problem with this, just comment below
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