WhatsApp has unveiled a new service on Wednesday giving users the option to exchange messages using a web browser.
It said the web client is an extension of our phone. The browser mirrors conversations and messages from our mobile devices which means all our messages live on our devices.
This new feature can be accessible via https://web.whatsapp.com, though currently it can only be accessed via Google Chrome browser.
To activate the service, users are prompted to scan a QR code which appears online onto their WhatsApp and you also have to have the latest WhatsApp running on your mobile device.
For this service to function, the user’s phone must remain connected to the Internet at all times and the messages will remain on the user’s phone.
Unfortunately for iPhone users, the desktop service is only accessible on Android devices.
This is a giant step taken by WhatsApp, I don’t really get the reason why the phone has to be connected to the Internet for this service to work, but this is just the first version, hope to get something better in latter versions.
So guys, what is your take on this new development.
Does it sound great or unnecessary (you might be wondering why you would want to chat on PC when you can do same on your phone)?
Your views please.
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